Gangama Project Fund

The whole school community has developed close links with the Gangama Project Fund.  The Gangama Project Fund has been raising money for St Kizito Babies' Home in Gangama, Uganda for over 25 years. In recent years it has also raised money for the new nursery school and St Joseph's Primary (also in Gangama).

On 18th March 2024, Ann Marie came into school to describe to the children about life in Uganda for the children at St Kizito Babies’ Home and at St Joseph’s Primary School in Gangama, based on her experience of visiting it.  She also explained what projects have been undertaken to benefit the lives of the children there and what the money we raise as a school community will be used for.


On 21st March St Paul’s Catholic Primary held an Easter Fayre in aid of the Gangama Project Fund.Children from Years 5 and 6 helped run the different stalls and were a real credit to our school.The Easter Fayre was well attended, as it is every year, and we raised an incredible £801.50 which will help make a difference to the lives of the children in Gangama.

Below is a selection of photographs showing some of the items on sale.You can see from the last photograph how busy the Easter Fayre was!
