CAFOD Club 2023 - 2024

Catholic Social Teaching is at the heart of everything that we do at St Paul's Catholic Primary School. 

We have just started a CAFOD Club in September 2023.  This will enable the children to take the lead in putting Catholic Social Teaching into action, along with supporting the Catholic life and mission of our school.

The newly formed CAFOD Club met for the first time and are already planning Brighten Up fundraising activities for the Harvest Family Fast Day on Friday 6th October 2023.

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The CAFOD Club organised a presentation to the whole school during Litugical Prayer on Wednesday 27th September 2023 about the upcoming Harvest Family Fast Day on Friday 6th October 2023.  They also promoted the Brighten Up Mufti Day where all members of the school community can come to school dressed in brightly coloured clothes and accessories in return for a donation to CAFOD.  We ask you to join with us to make a difference to our global family by living out the Catholic Social Teaching principles. 

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Below are some photographs of the Brighten Up Day on Friday 6th October 2023.  The whole school community embraced the Brighten Up challenge to make the world a better place.  Prizes were given to the most brightly dressed boy and girl in each class, chosen by Mrs Sewell and members of CAFOD Club.  St Paul's Catholic Primary School raised an incredible £187.70 for CAFOD's Harvest Family Fast Day appeal.





CAFOD Club have been working hard making cards for the residents of our local care home, Firgrove House.  The children wrote letters to go inside each card, introducing themselves and asking questions for the residents to answer.  We are looking forward to working closely with Firgrove House in the coming months.  Below are some photographs of the cards produced and the CAFOD Club in action making them.

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During the Celebration of the Word on Wednesday 15th November 2023, the members of CAFOD Club were presented with their CAFOD Club certificates by Mrs Sewell.  They even got a CAFOD Club badge and pencil too!  We are looking forward to welcoming new members of CAFOD Club in the coming weeks.


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CAFOD Club prepared a presentation on CAFOD's Fix The Food System campaign to inform others about the inequality within the food system across the world.  There’s enough food in the world to feed everyone, but millions still live in poverty, including many of those who grow the food. CAFOD Club were so moved by what they heard, that they decided to write a letter to the Foreign Secretary, urging him to take action in order to make the world a fairer place.  As a group, CAFOD Club posted the letter together.











During the Celebration of the Word on Wednesday 22nd November 2023, CAFOD Club spoke to the whole school about CAFOD World Gifts.  
This Advent, instead of writing Christmas cards for people in their class and their friends in the school community, CAFOD Club are encouraging the school community to make a donation to CAFOD.  Once they have received all the donations, CAFOD Club will then choose a World Gift which will help those people who need it.  Below are some pictures of CAFOD Club introducing their Advent project to the whole school.







Thanks to the generosity of the St Paul's community, £81 was raised for the CAFOD Advent appeal.  CAFOD Club then decided which World Gifts they would purchase with the money.  They are shown below:


















On Tuesday 5th March 2024, Rose from CAFOD, came into school to deliver CAFOD's Big Lent Walk 2024 assembly.  During Celebration of the Word on Wednesday 13th March 2024, CAFOD Club spoke to the whole school, updating the community on upcoming events, mainly the Big Lent Walk which is taking place on Wednesday 20th March 2024.


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